Activity Report for the Dialogue Session : Advocacy in Motion (AIM) III

Activity Report for the 3rd workshop : Advocacy in Motion (AIM).

Date: July 12 , 2024
Time: From 9:00 AM to 1:00
Location: Republic of Iraq, Dhi Qar Governorate, Ishtar Conference Hall.
Implementing Organization: No Borders Humanity Organization (NBH)
Funding Organization : Global Health Council (GHC)

Project Name: Advocacy in Motion (AIM).
General Objective

The dialogue session aims to enhance awareness about the importance of community mobilization to combat diseases and epidemics in Dhi Qar Governorate and to promote cooperation between civil society organizations, volunteer teams, and governmental entities to address health challenges.

Workshop Objective:
The workshop aims to train participants on the essential skills for coordinating and localizing humanitarian work in Dhi Qar Governorate and to enhance the capacities of local organizations to better respond to humanitarian needs.

Project Team:
  • Experts in health and agriculture
  • Youth and representatives of volunteer teams
  • Media personnel
  • Students and academic professors
Organizers :
  • Dr. Masar Al-Ghurabi: Project Director
  • Ms. Sabreen Al-Waeli: Project Coordinator
  • Mr. Ammar Al-Ghurabi: Lecturer
  • Mr. Bassam Al-Hussainawi: Logistics Coordinator

Welcome Speech by the Organization’s President:

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Welcome to the third dialogue session of the “Advocacy in Motion” (AIM) project. At No Borders Humanity Organization, we are very proud of our partnership with the Global Health Council (GHC) and your continued support. Your presence today reflects our shared commitment to improving health and environmental conditions in Dhi Qar Governorate. We hope this session will be an effective platform for exchanging ideas and experiences and those we come out with practical recommendations that contribute to achieving our common goals.

Appreciation of the Project Staff:

I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to all the project staff who made significant efforts to make this session a success.

  1. Dr. Masar Al-Ghurabi, Project Director, who led this work with great competence and dedication.
  2. Ms. Sabreen Al-Waeli, Project Coordinator, who worked tirelessly to organize and coordinate this session.
  3. Mr. Ammar Al-Ghurabi, Speaker, who provided valuable and important insights.
  4. Mr. Bassam Al-Hussainawi, Logistics Coordinator, who ensured all logistical needs were met to ensure smooth proceedings.

We thank everyone for their presence and active participation, and we ask God to guide us all in serving our community and elevating it for the better.

Activity Summary:

The third dialogue session of the “Advocacy in Motion” (AIM) project was held with the aim of enhancing cooperation and understanding among various stakeholders in health and agriculture in Dhi Qar Governorate. The session highlighted the health and environmental problems in the governorate and how to address them through collective work and volunteer initiatives.


  1. To raise awareness about the main health and environmental issues in Dhi Qar.
  2. To exchange experiences and knowledge among participants.
  3. To develop practical recommendations to address the discussed challenges.

Agenda of the Dialogue Session:

  1. Introduction of the project and its objectives.
  2. Discussion of the main health and environmental problems in Dhi Qar.
  3. Division of participants into working groups to discuss the issues and develop solutions.
  4. Presentation and discussion of recommendations from each group.


Participants were divided into four small working groups to address four health issues in Thi Qar Governorate:

  1. Group One (Ur Team):

        Issue: Effects of sewage in Dhi Qar

  • Group Two (Experts Team):

        Issue: Risks of hemorrhagic fever

  • Group Three (Media Awareness Team):

        Issue: Unhealthy foods

  • Group Four (Seeds of Hope Team):

        Issue: Lack of tree planting


  1. Ur Team:

        Improve sewage systems in Dhi Qar.

        Organize awareness campaigns about the importance of proper sewage systems.

  • Experts Team:

        Enhance prevention measures and control of hemorrhagic fever.

        Provide additional support to health centers to tackle these diseases.

  • Media Awareness Team:

        Increase awareness campaigns about the dangers of unhealthy foods.

        Strengthen food monitoring in markets.

  • Seeds of Hope Team:

        Launch large-scale tree planting initiatives in Dhi Qar.

        Collaborate with environmental organizations to spread awareness about the importance of tree planting.


The dialogue session concluded with thanks to all participants and a commitment to follow up on the implementation of the recommendations from the session to achieve the desired goals of the project.

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1 thought on “Activity Report for the Dialogue Session : Advocacy in Motion (AIM) III”

  1. حكم وأقوال عن الزراعة فيما يأتي:
    الزراعة أساس تقدم الأوطان وأساس زيادة الإنتاج، والدول التي تعتمد على زراعة أراضيها تضمن دعم اقتصادها وتطوّرها، ولا يكون مصيرها بيد غيرها.
    ليس أجمل من تزرع الأرض فتصبح خضراء على يديك، وتتطرز بالورود وتصبح أرضًا منتجة بدلًا من أن تكون جرداء لا خير فيها، فالزراعة روح الأرض
    فوائد الزراعة ومجالاتها
    الحد من تلوث الهواء وتنقيته ، وزيادة نسبة الأكسجين في الهواء ؛ وتهدف زراعة الأشجار والشجيرات والمساحات الخضراء إلى تحسين الظروف البيئية الحالية بالقرب من المبنى وحوله؛ تساعد النباتات والأشجار على زيادة نسبة الهواء المنطلق أثناء مرور الأكسجين

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