Во имя Аллаха Милосердного Название деятельности: Почитание некоторых создателей в области театра, искусства, поэзии, литературы и мобилизации сообщества Место деятельности: Республика Ирак – провинция Ди-Кар – Центр города Насирия – улица культуры Простое резюме деятельности Сотрудники организации «Без границ» (NBH) приняли участие в работе над некоторыми творцами на Культурной улице, которая представляет собой форум искусства, литературы, поэзии, театра, книги …
#Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community
In the name of Allah the Merciful Name of activity: Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community mobilization Place of activity: Republic of Iraq – Governorate of Dhi Qar – Center of the city of Nasiriya – Culture Street A simple summary of activity The staff of The No borders humanity organization (NBH) participated …
#Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community
In the name of Allah the Merciful Name of activity: Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community mobilization Place of activity: Republic of Iraq – Governorate of Dhi Qar – Center of the city of Nasiriya – Culture Street A simple summary of activity The staff of The No borders humanity organization (NBH) participated …
#Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community
In the name of Allah the Merciful Name of activity: Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community mobilization Place of activity: Republic of Iraq – Governorate of Dhi Qar – Center of the city of Nasiriya – Culture Street A simple summary of activity The staff of The No borders humanity organization (NBH) participated …
#Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community
In the name of Allah the Merciful Name of activity: Honoring some creators in the field of theater, art, poetry, literature and community mobilization Place of activity: Republic of Iraq – Governorate of Dhi Qar – Center of the city of Nasiriya – Culture Street A simple summary of activity The staff of The No borders humanity organization (NBH) participated …